- Legacy of Light :
To create a Legacy of Light, we need these items:
First we must get Sealed Mind of Maple Necklace (x1), which we can get by killing any mob.
Lhen we must talk to the NPC Archelle to get the 2nd required item, located on the map of Nameless, which will ask us for the following items to collect:
NOTE: The Arcane River Droplet Stone can be obtained from the following bosses.
To get the required 3rd item, we must talk to the NPC Shubert, located in the Esfera map, who will ask us for the following items to collect:
NOTE: The Stone Cobweb Droplet can be obtained from the boss.
As a last step you must talk to the NPC Big Headward, located in the Esfera, Arcana and Tenebris maps, who will ask for the following items to collect:
NOTE: The Unity Heart can be obtained in the mobs of the Tenebris maps.
- Gachapon Statue :
This NPC allows us to get random items with attributes for the cost of 1x Gachapon for net cafe.

- Wu Yuan:
This NPC allows you to get 6x item equip NX + 1x item weapon NX at random, for the cost of 10x Maple Point
- Hong Niang:
This NPC allows you to add or activate the 5 potential lines, instantly to the item
- Inkwell :
It is a small NPC SHOP, where we will find some scrolls, cubes and more, for various types of Coin's.
- Mary :
It is an NPC SHOP, where we will find tickets for Monster Park.
- Agent Meow :
It is a small NPC SHOP, where we will find some cubes, scroll and box, for Legends Maple Coin
(you can get them doing BOSS PQ, located in menu Quick Move - Monster Park - Boss PQ.
- Edel the Fairy :
It is a small NPC SHOP SPECIAL, where we will find some scrolls, potions, buffs and more, for Mesos (to open the NPC click on CASH SHOP).
- Fredrick :
This NPC allows us to add potential lines with random options, to our items (from 1 to 5 lines) with Kaotic Red Cube.
- Cygnus Mentality :
With this NPC we will be able to increase the attributes of our items with Super Enhancement Scroll
- Aura Ring :
The Aura ring is a Cash item, which gives attributes and helps to improve our character. We can get it by killing the boss:
- Aura Pendant, Doom Shoulder and Avenger Quiver Belt :
These items are Cash, which gives attributes and helps to improve our character. It can be obtained from the NPC Wu Yuan for the cost of 10x Maple Point.
(this NPC gives random items, you should be lucky to get these items). It can also be purchased directly from DP at DP LAND, by talking to NPC Modryn.
- Black Bean Ring :
These rings give attributes which will help us to improve our character. We can get it by killing Boss Black Bean, which is located on the Temple of Time map.
- Crystal Heart :
To create a Crystal Heart, we must go to the Outpost map and talk to the NPC Kyrin, who will ask us for the following items:
- Nana(H) - Love Fairy :
With this NPC we can earn extra points for our Ability Point (AP), we only have to collect Golden Maple Leaf, which can be obtained in the mini events of Golden Pigs and Golden Wyverns.
Note :
- Cygnus - Kaotic Cube :
This NPC allows you to get or create different types of kaotic cubes. The NPC is located in the city of Outpost.
- Athena Pierce - Equip Cube :
This NPC allows you to add potential options to the items randomly. Each Kaotic Cube has a percentage range.his NPC allows you to get or create different types of kaotic cubes. The NPC is located in the city of Outpost.
Note :
An Auto Cube option has been added to the Kaotic Pink Cube, which when activated will automatically use the Kaotic Pink Cube until we get an option greater than or equal to 40% of a potential option to choose from.
In this case it will only allow us to choose between 2 options:
- M. Att / Att : Will choose the first option with 40% at Max (can be M.Att or Att).
- All : Will choose all potential options with 40% to Max (not including All Stat, Total Damage, Item Drop and Exp).
To activate the Auto Cube option, click on the OFF option (red color), then it will show the 2 options to choose.
To deactivate the Auto Cube, just click on the ON option (green color).
Only use this option, if you have a good amount of cubes, as it will quickly consume the Kaotic Pink Cube until it reaches 40% or Max of the potential option. However, you can still use it if you only have a few Kaotic Pink Cube.
- Brown - Equip Cube Cube :
This NPC allows to add potential options to the items instantly but with random percentage, for the cost of 5DP.
NPC Brown is located in DP LAND.
- Danger Zone Taxi :
This NPC allows you to go directly to some training zones or to the entrance of a specific BOSS. It requires to have a certain Level + Maple Point and to have completed some monster achievements (@achievement). The NPC Danger Zone Taxi is located in the FM or you can also use the @boss command.
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