10 - 80 : MiniDungeon: Henesys Pig Farm
81 - 160 : MiniDungeon: Critical Error
161 - 200 : Ellin Forest: Mossy Tree Forest Entrance
201 - 250 : Lionheart Castle: Boar Courtyard 1
251 - 400 : Kritias: Forest of Sorrows 5
401 - 450 : Stone Colossus Exploration Site: Colossus West Road 2
451 - 550 : Concrete Road: Edelstein Strolling Path 3
551 - 600 : Concrete Road: Streetlight Row
601 - 700 : Gelimer Research Lab: Deep Shaft
701 - 800 : Fox Ridge:Eclipse Hill 3
801 - 900 : Fox Ridge:Blossom Valley 2
901 - 1000 : Outskirts of Shanghai: Residential Area
1001 - 1300 : Pantheon: Enchanted Forest | Shaolin Temple: Sutra Depository 1-2F
1301 - 1400 : Polluted Sewer: Foul Glooger Habitat 3 | Refuge Outskirts: Refuge South 1 | Treglow's Laboratory: Laboratory B1 Area 3
1401 - 1500 : Desert Cavern: Desert Cavern 2
1501 - 1900 : Lake of Oblivion: Weathered Land of Happiness | Reverse City: Subway Tunnel 1
1901 - 2100 : Lachelein Ballroom: Revelation Place 3
2101 - 2300 : Arcana: Cavern Lower Path | Arcana: Labyrinthine Cavern
2301 - 2500 : Esfera: Mirror-touched Sea 4
2501 - 2700 : Esfera: Radiant Temple 2
2701 - 3000 : Esfera: Radiant Temple 4
3001 - 3300 : Moonbridge: Last Horizon 2
3301 - 3500 : Moonbridge: Mysterious Fog 2
3501 - 3800 : Tenebris: Labyrinth of Suffering Interior 4
3801 - 4000 : Tenebris: Labyrinth of Suffering Deep Core 1
4001 - 4500 : Limina: End of the World 1-4
4501 - 5000 : Limina: End of the World 2-3
5001 - 9999 : LS Event | Battle Square | DP Land | Kaotic Dojo | End of the World