Setting up the Christmas Tree - [Finished]


Staff member

The long awaited date has finally arrived and the Christmas events will bring surprises, that is why we bring you the following event.

Setting up the Christmas Tree with your friends

1.- It consists of joining with your friends in a group of 5 (one of them must know how to edit videos).

2.- Collect as many Christmas decorations as you can from the
"Saving Christmas fighting SNOWMAN" event.

3.- They should make a script about the video and decorate your tree. (here some examples)

Example N° 1 : Navidad MasterMS <-- Click Here

Example N° 2 : Navidad MasterMS <-- Click Here

To decorate your tree you must talk to the NPC "Dizzy Drop Event" located in the FM and select the option "Assembling the Christmas tree".

4.- Then talk to the NPC "Branch Snowman" so you can go decorate the trees.

At the end of the event, all participants will receive 75 PD.

  • Prizes will only be for 1 user per account, no secondary accounts or characters.
  • Measures will be taken for this.
  • Users who are caught trying to break the rules will be punished.
  • Event valid until 12/25/2021.
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New member
He aquí nuestro video sobre el evento Snowman.

Primera parte:
Segunda Parte:

Integrantes: lMrSirius, JhonAlex, Lucky, lDrakOl, TAGLE.